Visit Amsterdam, See Holland


Commissioned by

Amsterdam Metropolitan Region & Utrecht Region – formally cooperating as part of the Bestuursoverleg Noordvleugel.


BOISEN was commissioned in 2011 and again in 2014 and 2015.


Amsterdam Marketing, who implements the project, was awarded the Ulysses Award for Excellence in Tourism by the UNWTO in 2015.

The Context

Amsterdam is one of Europe’s most populair cities and attracts a lot of international tourists. This project aims to accommodate and facilitate more day-trips from these tourists to the region around Amsterdam.


To this end, a number of distinct branded experiences has been developed and bundled thematically and geographically. Currently, 18 municipalities and 2 provinces are cooperating in the project.

Our Contribution

We’ve evaluated the project between two funding periods and contributed to it’s successful continuation by analyzing the support amongst its many stakeholders and derived specific points of improvement in terms of content, organisation and funding.


Recently, we’ve investigated a number of scenario’s on how the project could be enlarged geographically into the neighbouring regions, with special attention for the region of Utrecht.